Any form of pain all around you?
You may be needing Cissus quadrangularis!

Cissus quadrangularis is used as an herbal supplement to treat conditions such as hemorrhoids, bone loss, allergies, asthma, and diabetes. It gives strength to our muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and helps weak and brittle bones or inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

People use Cissus quadrangularis for obesity, fractures, joint pain, and low bone mass, 

While most stiff necks result from minor muscle strains or ligament sprains, a stiff neck caused by a lack of collagen is a vastly different process that can potentially cause a life-threatening infection.

A huge component of the muscle tissue is collagen. So, the supplements might help if you’re looking to increase muscle mass as well as relieve hand pain.

Collagen holds muscles and tendons together, and even regenerate the cartilage. It can help combat the symptoms of osteoarthritis in the knee.

If you don’t have enough collagen to hold certain parts of the spine intact, it can cause pain. It makes walking, running, and even standing very difficult. For effective results, you need collagen supplements.

Uses of Cissus Quadrangularis Extract Capsules

  • Haemorrhoids
  • Allergies
  • Bone health
  • Asthma
  • Heals connective tissues
  • Metabolic disorder
  • Weight loss

Fix your joints with the healing power of powerful components!

Quadrangularis is a herbal plant found in the African continent and is used for centuries in the prevention and treatment of allergies, and swelling and to improve bone strength.

There are not a lot of scientific studies on Cissus Quadrangularis but it has proven to be beneficial for people suffering from bone problems, diabetes, allergies and high cholesterol. There is also no evidence of side effects occurring from Cissus Quadrangularis Extract Capsules.

Discover the most important benefits

Isn’t surprising… how many additional benefits you can get from Cissus! 
No wonder why it makes up much of the body’s proteins! Not only it is good for a healthy look, but for emotional, digestive, and musculoskeletal health as well. Plus, the sleep of a good night will hold the exhaustion away and ensure that the muscles obtain the rest they deserve to establish a better physique.

Better Joint Function For Better Everyday Activities

For people who occasionally experience pain during sports or daily mobility, collagen peptides improve joint extension capacities (eg knee), reduce pain, and increase exercise time before discomfort. Start consuming this now, as Cissus helps to strengthen joint stability and decrease the risk of recurrent injury.

If you have Osteoarthritis, say goodbye to it. Because this supplement would not only relieve joint problems but could also help to slow down its onset and improve motor skills. This leads to a better quality of life for patients in their daily activities.
The results are promising and our customers have shown incredible improvement. It helped reduce the risk of bone disorder and brought back the healthy body.


Price per bottle:

1 month is 4500 KES
2 months is 8000 KES
3 months is 11500 KES

Price for Powder Sachet:

1 month is 5000 KES which is 2 Sachets
2 months is 9000 KES which is 4 Sachets
3 months is 13500 KES which is 6 Sachets